gabriel orozcoA manual can be a guide on how things work or how to participate in a game.
in a game. This manual is a bit of both, a guide to how Gabriel Orozco's art works and an invitation to see his practice as a field.
Gabriel Orozco's art and an invitation to see his practice as an expanded playing field.
expanded playground. Manuals can be used to explain the operation of machines, such as an automobile, or to explain the
machines, such as an automobile, or to explain the rules and guide the player through the different phases of a game.
through the various phases of a game. Of course, establishing operating procedures is no guarantee of what will happen. In Orozco's work, chance and accident are always involved and as important
are always involved and are as important as following the rules. The point is to keep them in play.
is to keep them in play.